How to help your child with separation anxiety at drop-off.
Faith Lutheran childcare center and preschool in Austin, Texas.
Separation anxiety is a normal aspect of childhood development. It is a good sign that you have a strong bond with your child. Here at Faith Lutheran Childcare Development Center, we want to help parents make the drop-off process as smooth as possible for you and your child.
Babies and children may become get anxious or fearful when their parent or caregiver leaves the room, even if for only a moment, because they have not yet developed the concept that a hidden object is still there (object permanence). Separation anxiety usually peaks between 10-18 months and typically ends around the 3 year mark.
Below are a few tried and true tips to ease the transition during the morning drop-off.
1. Create a Good-Bye Routine
Don't prolong your goodbye. It feels awful to leave your child when they are upset, but staying can prolong the sad emotions. Instead come up with a routine to help you both know what to expect. Have a special song you sing, or a phrase you say, or maybe a crazy high-five. Whatever you choose try to do it everyday to let your child know what to expect.
2. Practice Being Apart
Allow friends and family to watch your child even if it's only an hour on a weekend. Doing this before preschool or daycare will help them and you prepare being apart. Give your child a chance to experience, prepare, and thrive in your absence.
3. Stay Consistent
Try to do drop off and pick up at the same every day. Keep the good-bye routine the same everyday. When you tell your child when you'll pick them up, don't use time. Use their schedule. Kids and babies can't calculate time yet, so use their classroom schedule to help them understand. For example, I will be back to pick you up after your snack and before you go outside in the afternoon.
Be ready for big smiles!
Even if your little one cries at drop off you can be sure that they stopped within minutes after you leave. Be on the lookout for a smiling photo in our ProCare app from our wonderful staff at Faith Lutheran Childcare Development Center!